NO. I will not roll you a Fedora.
Im not going to reSPIN(LIVE MEDIA) garbage from ANY source.
NOTE: Debian Bookworm is AFFECTED!

It was good while it lasted.
It was a fun and challenging experience.

But there are too many check-engine lights showing up and I dont have a clue what to do.

RedHat is ignoring bugs filed because they want to push releases to you quickly.
What they are saying is they would rather “up your numbers on applications and libs” without bothering to check to see how stable they are. Recent libc updates broke a TON (oer 200) other packages,breaking CORE COMPONENTS of LINUX OPERATING SYSTEMS. MULTIPLE DISTRIBUTIONS AFFECTED!!

Linux is hard enough.

So if you were loking for MyOS- you will have to make it YOURS and roll it yourself.
That also means “updating the kickstart files”, because its not worth my time to do it.

Sorry. RED HAT BROKE THIER CLIENT OS. (And it spins too fast for OPENCL,3D graphics support)

Kickstarts (F21-23):

As per Debian:

Theres A Custom LIVE IMAGE for SALE however, its limited to BULLSEYE.